Saturday, March 7, 2009

made it to Guangzhou

Hi All,

We made it into GZ at 2:00 a.m. yesterday! The long day at the airport and change in sleeping patters has set us back. Anne and I have allergies or a cold. Our plane was delayed out of Shenyang we think due to snow. It snowed and snowed--big huge flakes. I think I have a picture of the white out---it is not pollution but heavy snow. It was fun for about 5 minutes. So glad we live down south!

Mingzheng is doing well. He has had difficulty falling asleep, sometimes crying fitfully for almost an hour. He just tires himself out from crying. Will not let me touch him. The day at the airport was hard on us all. Funny, Anne found a spot for us behind railings for a "automatic walkway." So we had our little spot with the windows on one side and the glass railings on the other. Kept the two little ones in one spot. But, we were such a display. The Chinese would come up to the railings and stare at us. I know what it feels like to be a monkey in a zoo. Then Colin would start cyring and many would come see why the child was crying. He would yell in Chinese----for all we know he was saying, "help me, these people are crazy!!" Ha.

Most times however, he is loving, independant, and funny. We are so glad to be in GZ with our good friends Faith and Hans (and met new friends with them). They have taken both younger kids out to play. Anne and the older two are shopping. I just got back from the gym. They are helping us translate so we can better understand MingZheng. He has said that he is cold. If he is cold here I am sure he was freezing in Shenyang. We are just not used to layering like he is but will try harder for him. Also, he told one of them about us, "I do not know what they are saying." How frustrating for him and probably resulting in the tears. Faith and Hans say he is very obediant, he just doesn't know what we want.

Yesterday, I came in to the room and found Mia, Christian, Colin and Madeline all watching a moving in Chinese!! Yikes, this is not going well. :) Colin must learn English fast or we may have 4 children speaking Chinese to parents who are clueless. That would give Madaline free reign of the pack; boy would she love that!

Tonight I travel with our friends to speak to their company. I will spend the night and return tomorrow. Anne and the kids will go shopping with our adoption group to the jade/pearl factory. Here come the kids; I better go.


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