Wednesday, March 11, 2009

update on Colin

Colin is fun, is learning quickly, and I believe he has bonded with us. Just one small problem. He cries and whines --all the time--- is too strong a statement so let's say 25% of the time.

He especially cries before going to bed--for nap or for night. Yesterday he cried hard for 50 minutes and then threw up. Of coures that meant a trip to the bath and he cried all through that. We are not sure what is going on here and thus far, our friends who speak Mandarin have not either. Perhaps he is just exhausted from all the changes. Of course, he thinks we live in hotels that change every few days!!

Please read this: DISCLAIMER: Tommy and Anne Broyles are not responsibe for Colin's actions until 6 months aftere the USA arrival date, March 14, 2009. So, any comments, stare downs, "poor pityful Broyles need to discipline their kid" comments bust be held until that thim. ;) If things are not going better after 6 months, we are sending him over to Craig for a lesson in corporal puishment!!

OTHERWISE, he is very charming and understands several words in English. He pops out of bed the 1st thing early morning and says Good Morning Baba!! He loves to eat and to take baths. Funny, he will NOT use Chinese potties. His orphanage had western toilets so he refuses--screams and kicks--anytime we enter a restroom with only Chinese potties. In this regard he fits right in with my girls.

Yesterday he and Mia did not get along and he was yelling in Chinese at us. A guy in the hotel said he was saying "she wants to fight me." I think this is what he yells whenever an argument begins. Mia is having a rough time. We were swimming last night and Colin kissed me. Mia saw us and I could tell she was upset---that is my Daddy! I have spent the majority of the time with Colin so we are now changing that so Mia can spend time with me. Colin was with Anne last night and kicked her out of the bed. She then got in the bed with Madeline who kicked her out of the bed. There is something wrong with this picture!! :) Mia, Chrissy and I were happily asleep next door!

Anne, Madeline and Chrissy are shopping. I am at the hotel with the two little ones. I will post pictures when they nap. Thank you for all your support and prayer!!

Last time to let us know if you want anything from China! BTW, please tell the U.S. to quit playing games off the least until we get home!


1 comment:

  1. I will be happy to demonstrate good biblical corporal punishment, if you would like! ;-)
